Tag Archives: Small World

Boardgames: Small World

Small World
I played Small World for the first time at ENT on Sunday. Once I’d got over the whopping great player handout describing the plethora of race and ability options, we got stuck into a game and I’m delighted to say I ENJOYED IT!

Small World has a fun fantasy theme; dynamic gameplay due to the short-lived empires; but with lots of potential replayability because of the random race + characteristic splicing. And just enough strategy to make it interesting without hurting my brain. #wouldplayagain

I played 3 empires in all. I had first choice so I just had to go for Beserk Sorcerors because… Beserk Sorcerors! This allowed me to reinforce my troops before each conquest attempt and also turn lone opposing armies to the dark side. It seemed like a good way to get things going.

Once the Beserk Sorcerors had done all the good work that they could, I continued the game with the Hill Tritons. They were good at attacking coastal regions and gained extra cash for conquering hills. Not the most logical of combinations but it was fun to try an unusual combo in a different part of the gameworld.

It didn’t take long until there was just enough time to try one more race before game end. I plumped for a variation on an old favourite – Dragonmaster Sorcerors! Who wouldn’t? They allowed me to crush a Troll Lair with my dragon and then go on a sorcerous rampage through a swathe of opposing territories. Huzzah!

Even though I didn’t end up winning, the other players got their pitchforks out to give me a poking, which never fails to amuse me!

I’d recommend Small World to anyone who’d like a light-hearted strategy game set in a gonzo fantasy world. I reckon it’d probably be good for 3-5 players.